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How It Works
Collaborate with your designer online on our easy-to-use platform
Get Started
Share your photos and inspiration, in addition to the things you want to keep so we can match you with the perfect designer for your space, style and budget.
Design Together
See your space transformed online and collaborate with your designer to share what you like and dislike. Your designer will swap out items until your space is perfect.
Shop & Save
After you receive your final design, a curated shopping list of products can be purchased at an exclusive discount via our trade partnerships. We guarantee the lowest prices you can find online!
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Which online design service is best?
This question is very subjective, and it’s very dependent on which interior designer you get. We’ve been voted by and Archute as the best online design service, but, we’re obviously bias. We’re big fans of Modsy and Havenly as well. Looking for a local interior designer near me? We help with that too.
Is Modsy or Havenly better?
Very different services as Modsy provides renders in 3d format, whereas other services provide moodboards and/or 2d rendering layers. Havenly has the flexibility to choose which designer you go with. Our main difference is that we provide exclusive discounts at the largest retailers, which no one else does, learn more here.
How do I choose a design style?
Go on Pinterest and pin some designs that you love. Then try to categorize these designs! That’s what we did before we started.
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