Rolled Oats vs Steel Cut Oats: Which one is Better for You?

Unraveling the Oat Mystery: Rolled Oats vs. Steel Cut Oats. Discover the Difference in Texture, Nutrition, and Cooking. Choose Your Perfect Oat!

No matter what age, everyone can benefit from having oats as a part of their breakfast. Typically, these grains are either processed into a flattened or crushed form to create oatmeal. Oats are notable for their high carbohydrate and fiber content, while they are low in fats and proteins, and they additionally provide key vitamins and minerals. The choice between rolled oats and steel cut oats can often come down to their distinct nutritional characteristics and procedures for preparation. This article outlines the variances between rolled oats and steel cut oats.

Rolled Oats vs Steel Cut Oats: Which Type of Oats is More Nutritious?

The variety of oats on the market can make it difficult for consumers to determine the best option. The chart below compares the nutritional differences between 56 grams of rolled oats and steel-cut oats.

Rolled Oats Steel-cut Oats
Calories 212 208
Carbs 39g 37g
Protein 7g 9g
Fat 4g 4g
Fiber 5g 6g
Sugar 1g 0g

The nutritional index of rolled oats and steel cut oats is very low

Steel cut oats contain more fiber than rolled oats

Steel-cut oats are less processed than rolled oats. They contain the most fiber. The fiber found in steel-cut oats is beneficial for digestive health. It fuels the good bacteria in the gut and promotes regular bowel movements.

However, it’s important to note that all oats are an excellent source of fiber. The variation in fiber content between types of oats is minimal.

Steel cut oats have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats

Steel-cut oats have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats. The human body digests and absorbs them more slowly. This leads to a slow rise in blood sugar. Foods with a high glycemic index cause a faster spike in blood sugar.

In contrast, foods with a lower glycemic index release energy more slowly. Moreover, it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. Therefore, steel-cut oats are the best choice for those who need good blood sugar control.

How is the Production Process Different?

Steel cut oats

The manufacturer cuts the whole oat sheet into two or three pieces to make steel-cut oats. This process makes the grain much chewier. Because of their greater thickness, they are most commonly used for breakfast cereals. People rarely use steel-cut oats for baking.

Steel cut oats are a perfect food for the body. The body breaks them down more slowly than rolled oats. This helps you feel fuller for longer. They even prevent spikes in glucose levels. Steel cut oats take about 20-30 minutes to fully cook. When it’s done cooking, you’ll have a chewy texture and nutty flavor.

Rolled oats

Old-fashioned and conventional oats are often referred to as rolled oats. More people know rolled oats than steel cut oats. The manufacturer steamed the oat sheets. Then, put through large rolling machines to make rolled oats. Flat oat flakes have a larger surface area. This helps reduce cooking time.

However, a cup of rolled oats has to go through a lengthy manufacturing process. Rolled oats have a milder flavor and softer texture. It takes about 10 minutes to cook rolled oats. It’s significantly less than the cooking time of steel-cut oats. Rolled oats provide enough chewiness without completely turning into flour.

Steel cut oats have more grain flavor than rolled oats
Steel cut oats have more grain flavor than rolled oats

Should You Choose Rolled Oats or Steel-cut Oats?

Steel cut oats contain more fiber and have a lower glycemic index. However, you should not underestimate rolled oats.

Both types are excellent and highly nutritious sources. They all contain fiber, plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The most important thing is to choose the type of oats that best suits your needs.

You should choose the type of oats you like

The chewy texture and nutty flavor of steel-cut oats can be delicious to some people. It may not be suitable for others. Rolled oats have a milder flavor. When cooked, it has a smooth, creamy texture that some people prefer over steel-cut oats.

Cut oats take a long time to process. This may make some people dislike it. We can make rolled oats in minutes. Meanwhile, steel-cut oats take up to 30 minutes.

However, you can cook steel-cut oats first by placing them in the sous vide cooker. You can also put them in a pot of boiling water and let them soak overnight.

In addition, it is possible to directly incorporate rolled oats into baked goods. It is even added to smoothies to increase the fiber content and add a creamy texture to the drink.

You should avoid oats that are high in sugar

No matter which type of oats you choose, it’s best to choose unsweetened oats. Many packaged varieties have loads of added sugar. The sugar ingredient makes them an unhealthy breakfast choice.

For example, a pack of 43 grams of instant oats and brown sugar oats contains 13 grams of sugar. This is equivalent to more than four teaspoons of sugar.

Too much sugar can negatively affect your health. This leads to a number of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. For this reason, it’s best to add toppings and flavors you like to unsweetened oats to keep sugar to a minimum. Try a combination of fruits and healthy fats like walnuts, almonds, etc.

The Benefits of Oats

Oats have many health benefits. These grains are a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Furthermore, they are gluten-free. So they’re a great choice for people who have celiac disease or can’t consume gluten. Oats are naturally gluten-free. People with celiac disease should choose certified gluten-free varieties of oats. This helps avoid gluten contamination during processing.

Oats also contain beneficial compounds, including antioxidants and beta-glucan. This is the type of soluble fiber that has health benefits. For example, the beta-glucan found in oats is effective in reducing both bad LDL and total LDL. It can help keep your heart healthy.

Oats also help lose weight and stabilize blood sugar. The beta-glucans in oats help slow digestion and spike blood sugar levels. Research has shown that people who consume 100 grams of oats per day have reduced blood sugar levels.

In addition, the group of people who ate 100 grams of oats daily had a significant reduction in body weight. This is what the researchers think has to do with their high beta-glucan intake.

Oatmeal Pancake is suitable for breakfast
Oatmeal Pancake is suitable for breakfast

How to Make Oats for Breakfast

Breakfast with oats is the perfect suggestion. Whether it’s steel-cut oats or rolled oats, there are many ways to prepare them. Watch how to make a cake with strawberry sauce and oats for breakfast.

Ingredients include 100g oats, 200g flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 320ml fresh milk, sugar, salt, 2 eggs, 200g strawberries or raspberries.

First, you pour oats into a pot with 500ml cold water. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to low for 3-5 minutes. When the oats are soft and thickened, turn off the heat and let cool completely.

Next, mix the flour, baking powder and two tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix fresh milk and eggs in another bowl. Put the oats in this bowl and mix well. Slowly add the flour to the mixture and mix well.

Next step, heat a non-stick pan on the stove, add about 1 tablespoon of butter to melt. Use a large spoon to fry the flour on both sides to form a pancake.
Finally, you need to make the strawberry sauce. Put the strawberries in a pot with 2 to 3 tablespoons of water and 50g of sugar. Cook over low heat until the strawberries are soft and thickened.

Cool the strawberry sauce mixture and serve with pancakes.

Final Words

This article has shown you the difference between steel cut oats vs rolled oats. No matter which type of oats you choose, they are good for your health. As long as you feel comfortable with your choice.